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Cetacean Sanctuaries & Release

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

A sea sanctuary is part of the ocean netted off for captive cetaceans to move to. There would still be training for husbandry behaviours and still jobs for trainers. And the animals ‘capable’ of release would be rehabilitated and released. The idea of sea sanctuaries has been around for a while, it’s an idea that is pushed for the current captive cetaceans where protesters and foundations think they’re doing the right thing; can end up causing detrimental health issues for the animals or even killing them.

In captivity, they have highly filtered tanks to catch debris, and the water contains chlorine, as much as your tap water. Meaning their immune systems aren’t capable of being exposed to the bacteria, pathogens and toxins in the water. Not only that, the stress of the cetaceans travelling to the sanctuaries will weaken their immune systems even more. Especially the ones bred in captivity. Though the wild-caught cetaceans left in captivity still have such a low chance of survival; being exposed to all the bacteria, pathogens and toxins will for sure make them sick.

In highly rated ethical facilities with the best care possible such as SeaWorld, the animals are provided with medicine or antibiotics if needed, any time or day of the week. While also being health checked at least weekly in these ethical facilities, even gathering blood samples. Please read my ''Free Willy: Keiko's Story'' blog HERE.


Image by forevershouka (Instagram) with Orkid.


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